About Me

Anjum Ara I am a technology enthusiast, an ardent reader. My latest interest is virtualization. In my free time, I love understanding child nutrition, child holistic development. I bake, read, paint, and do whatever it takes to improve myself every day.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Increase range to view jobs in Planning Jobs Console

User tried viewing jobs which ran 15 days ago but he was not able to view it.

Analysis :
When we checked the table HSP_JOBSTATUS it did not have the data in its table itself so it was not a functionality issue but something to do with the database or behaviour of planning application itself.


Hyperion Planning application by default stores only 4 days of jobs with status “COMPLETED”. It purges the DB table HSP_JOBSTATUS with anything older than 4 days and job_status=COMPLETED.

In application , manage properties
Add a parameter  JOB_STATUS_MAX_AGE for 15 days (1296000000 milisec) so it will store data for 15 days in properties of the application. 

For all other parameters read the doc id Hyperion Planning System Properties (Doc ID 1327171.1) from Knowledge base.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Unable to Load Database

Issue: Unable to Load Database when starting planning databases in EAS console

Description: After migration of application from DEV to PROD environment . I was unable to start the databases.

Reason: Database corruption.

Solution: In my case data was not loaded yet hence it was safe for me to delete the files .pag, .esm , .ind and .tct and restart the Essbase server. Instead of deleting you can take a backup or the files .
Reload the data when necessary.

1. Go to Oracle_epm_home/EssbaseServer/essbaseserver1/app/<Applicationname>
2. mv {*.pag,*.esm,*.ind,*tct} /backup
3. Start Essbase Server again.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Missing Essbase Connection in Shared Connections Smart View

Issue: Unable to connect to Essbase Cluster using SmartView
Version:, Hyp
Cause: It is the behaviour of the product where APS was added after configuration and it did not update the entries as it does for other products.  I have seen this issue typically for APS and not for any other component.

APS is the service that connects Essbase with Foundation.

1. Unable to see Essbase connection in the drop-down for SV
2. Cannot find Provider Service component in workspace list of versions

3. Cannot find APS in the Inventory even though it is installed, configured and running. APS entries exist in EPM Registry, it shows running in service panel etc.

Can check it by running
opatch lsinventory -detail -oh <ORACLE_HOME> -jre <JAVA_PATH>

4. Rolled back the existing patch
5. Go to ORACLE_MIDDLEWARE_HOME/oui ex D:/oracle/middleware/EPMSystem11R1/oui/
6. Launch setup.exe
    6.1 Choose correct Oracle Home D:/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1
    6.2 Product.xml is automatically selected , click next
    6.3 Select APS only
    6.4 Click next and finish
7. Check inventory again and you can find that APS is now added to the inventory

After this point I am able to make private connections via 13080 port.
Now that I need it via my OHS . I reconfigured OHS so that it adds entries to the APS now.

Apply the Patch which was rolled back

1. Redeploy the Foundation App to reflect the changes (Delete tmp , cache and browser cache if necessary)
2. Restart Foundation and APS

Now the issue is fixed
