About Me

Anjum Ara I am a technology enthusiast, an ardent reader. My latest interest is virtualization. In my free time, I love understanding child nutrition, child holistic development. I bake, read, paint, and do whatever it takes to improve myself every day.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

First Light - EPM 11.2.4 to EPM 11.2.5 Maintenance Update

The EPM 11.2.X application can be upgraded to the latest version EPM 11.2.5 running the installer and selecting  "Apply Update" option and then running the configurator.

The update was straightforward but I found a few experiences worth sharing. 

1. Weblogic Admin server and the managed servers did not start.  

The FAN (Fast Application Notification) is auto-enabled encountered the following error 

A MultiException has 2 exceptions. They are:

1. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ONS configuration failed

2. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform operation: post construct on oracle.security.jps.wls.JpsDefaultService

to resolve this add below option to the setDomainEnv.cmd

set JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% -Doracle.jdbc.fanEnabled=false

and restart the Admin server.

This was strange as we have 2 environments, PROD & DEV both are on Oracle DB cluster with GRID infrastructure enabled but it occurred in only one environment. In the recent Weblogic the auto-ONS is enabled for FAN, unless you need to explicitly configure the option is not required.

Read more on this Oracle blog : ONS Configuration in Weblogic

2. FDMEE - ODI related artifacts vanished

If you have created custom ODI objects like packages they are deleted. The best solution is to backup the FDMEE schema before applying the update or take a smart export of the ODI objects.

3. Managed servers did not start via the service panel

  • Missing JRF path in registry needs to be fixed

                    Follow these steps to fix it JRF & ONS/FAN 

  • Create logs folder manually in the managed server location for the first time to start the services via the start.bat script or through the service panel

4. Java folder no longer comes with version details

  • The java folder is not numbered unlike before it comes with a generic 'jdk' folder which I believe is great for all future Java updates

                  New folder             D:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk

  • The version of Java is Java 1.8.0_251


5. ODI studio packaged with this EPM version work directly 

The ODI studio packaged with the EPM 11.2.5 works straight out of the box  

        Location        D:\Oracle\Middleware\odi\studio

6. The script startManagedWeblogic.cmd points to incorrect Weblogic Admin Server Hostname

The script picks up the incorrect hostname instead of the Admin Server hostname 

             set ADMIN_URL=http://<adminserver>:<adminserverPort>

7. The status of the managed servers deployed on distributed environment shows "UNKNOWN" in Enterprise Manager
