About Me

Anjum Ara I am a technology enthusiast, an ardent reader. My latest interest is virtualization. In my free time, I love understanding child nutrition, child holistic development. I bake, read, paint, and do whatever it takes to improve myself every day.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Essential Steps for a Smooth Transition to ODI 12c from ODI11g

When upgrading ODI repositories from version 11g to 12c, it's not uncommon to encounter an issue where the upgrade process appears to be stuck at a certain percentage. This situation typically arises when certain conditions are not met.

 Here are some of the points to ensure before upgrading the repositories to minimize the risk of failure:

1.     Optimize the upgrade process by minimizing the size of cloned work repositories. Achieve this by archiving execution logs to reduce unnecessary data.

2.     Grant unlimited tablespace to the master and work repository schemas

Alter user <master_repo> quota unlimited tablespace to <master_repo_users>;

Alter user <work_repo> quota unlimited tablespace to <work_repo_tbspc>;

3.     Add multiple data files to the work repository schema

ALTER TABLESPACE your_tablespace_name ADD DATAFILE '/path/to/datafile1.dbf' SIZE 1024M,

'/path/to/datafile2.dbf' SIZE 1024M,

'/path/to/datafile3.dbf' SIZE 1024M;

4.     Enable “Auto Extend”, auto-extend for the specified data file, allowing it to extend automatically in increments of 100 megabytes, with a maximum size of unlimited


 5.     Ensure there is enough disk space, processor, memory to run the upgrade

6.     Ensure at the time of upgrade no major activity like backup, export or import of schema is running on the DB as it takes precedence and may slow down the process

7.     Review the work repositories, remove unwanted projects, interfaces that are duplicates, delete the interfaces that do not open or corrupted.

8.     Ensure the master repository is pointing to the destination work repository and not the source from where it was migrated.  (Most common mistake hence upgrade fails)

a.      Open the migrated master repository via 11g ODI Studio

b.      Go to master repository > Topology > Work Repositories > Select the work repositories > Click on the “switch” like symbol > JDBC

Update this JDBC string to the destination DB JDBC string  > Save.

c.      Repeat the #b if you have more than one repository.

9.     If the upgrade failed but the repositories show already 12c version then update the schema_version_registry, reimport the 11g schemas, follow all the above steps and run the upgrade again. 
